
Another thing I forgot to mention is about Round 2. Since we did release it, you may submit it today if you wish but I'm giving you a 2 day extension. You don't have to but if you did, we'll make a reminder in the bio that you submitted your works. If you don't submit your today or two days later, then, we'll apply the time limit to you when the competition picks up again. :)
          	Any questions?


Another thing I forgot to mention is about Round 2. Since we did release it, you may submit it today if you wish but I'm giving you a 2 day extension. You don't have to but if you did, we'll make a reminder in the bio that you submitted your works. If you don't submit your today or two days later, then, we'll apply the time limit to you when the competition picks up again. :)
          Any questions?


So it seems most of you are agreeing that we pause the competition and it makes no sense to rush it. Consider WOC officially paused! But...of course, we'll still release the results from round 1 in due time.
          Also, if any of you feel like you need some help/advice, you can always message me @SerenaMCiprano . I don't mind helping. After all, that's what this competition was all about...that and bringing out your hidden talent and creativity. :)
          Thank you for being so understanding and cooperative. :)


@WattyOrigins okay thank you. Just let me know when you do resume, please. Thank you :)


@WattyOrigins Do you know when you will be resuming the competition? I agree with the pausing, just want to be sure when it is resumed, I don't miss it x)


          When exactly is the second round due?  Thought we had a week.  
          My suggestion would be to keep with the five rounds, but do more time in between.  That way no one ( you guys included) is rushed.  Whatever you choose is cool though.  I get it!  People are busy!


@Ondrou Due Sunday but we'll paused the competition.


I know there's a concern over the time limit to write the stories and how  many of you will be busy very soon. It's one of the main reasons I shrunk the deadline to five days from seven days.
          Most likely, there will only be two rounds for this competition. The judges and I will also be too busy to do the 5 rounds we wanted to do.
          So there are two options:
          1) We can stop at Round 2, ending the competition. But the main prize which is a drawing will not be given because in the first place, it's meant to be given to the one who succeeded in topping out in the entire competition. We'll be giving out and honourable mention on our Profile and in our book which is read by numerous readers who eagerly follow the competition. Same applies to 2nd and 3rd place.
          2) We can pause the competition and resume later on. Enough said.
          What do you think? What are your opinions?


@WattyOrigins  I think we should pause it. Idk though....I can't speak for anyone else....


I realize that there are some misunderstandings regarding whether everyone made it into Round 2 or not.
          My answer is that EVERYONE made it into Round 2 excepting those who got disqualified in Round 1 (they are those who never submitted their works). So because they got disqualified, the rest of you get to move on.
          All of you in the list below are in Round 2, just to clarify. :)


Alright competitors, instructions for Round 2 is up! Everything is explained there. If you have any questions, feel free to ask away.
          Good luck to you all! ;)


@WattyOrigins oh okay, mine was reading July 14th for some reason... but thank you for the clear up


@B-Marie The due date for Round 2 is not a mistake. 6th September, 2015. Final. And for your second question, everyone made it to Round 2 due to those who got disqualified in Round 1.


@WattyOrigins I have two questions...the first: is the due date for Round Two a mistake? and second: how do we know if we made it to the second round?


Sorry for the late notice guys! Round 1 is officially over!
          5 people have not submitted their works so they're all disqualified. v_v
          The judges and I will begin judging. Hopefully, we'll have the results out asap. 