
Well Hello there!
          	After a very difficult chapter 9, inspiration ran out, i just couldn't connect all the ideas i have, especially after introducing a new antagonistic character.
          	Doomer turned out to be my favorite character to write, i still prefer Izem, when it comes to his portrayal, but Doomer has so many layers to her, it is very difficult to get a grasp of the real her, even herself struggles to define her world with her own words.
          	Next chapter will shine light on another troubled character, Vulkan, the hot-headed grizzled guy, angry at his own chief for some troubled reasons, will have to help the group find common ground, upon discovering the truth about Doomer, and her old identity, Nexus.


Well Hello there!
          After a very difficult chapter 9, inspiration ran out, i just couldn't connect all the ideas i have, especially after introducing a new antagonistic character.
          Doomer turned out to be my favorite character to write, i still prefer Izem, when it comes to his portrayal, but Doomer has so many layers to her, it is very difficult to get a grasp of the real her, even herself struggles to define her world with her own words.
          Next chapter will shine light on another troubled character, Vulkan, the hot-headed grizzled guy, angry at his own chief for some troubled reasons, will have to help the group find common ground, upon discovering the truth about Doomer, and her old identity, Nexus.


Well Hello there!
          Small surprise! Chapter 7 was dropped right from the shadows! without any announcement, the chapter involving Doomer as our main character was dropped.
          This time, we see how a once vulnerable little girl turned into a deadly weapon, and how she coped with all her losses to continue her fight, even after her dreams got denied.


Well Hello there!
          Chapter 6 Done, we got a glimpse at the internal conflict between Vulkan and his fragmented mind, a battle that took a toll on his mind, and left him with a lot of vulnerabilities. All Vulkan wanted was to help his friends, but unfortunately his mind is too fragmented for that.
          He has to cope with everything, especially with his weird obsession with Izem.


Well Hello there!
          Chapter 6 is almost done, and will explore the second challenge in the story, this time, 4 very different and explosive personalities will be added to the mix, while Ann and Izem are veteran and experienced soldiers, Elo, Doomer and Vulkan are younger, more volatile, less expectable and will bring new dynamics to the story.
          Vulkan will be the focus of the chapter, the troublemaker himself, while particularly hostile to Izem (for a reason) he is still a good person who wants to do the right choice, but sometimes, indecision can lead up to terrible consequences, the kind he always wear on his chest.


Well hello there!
          Chaptre 5 done, this took way more time than i expected, i wish i had a simple explanation but heh, Whatever, as would Izem say.
          This chapter was the perfect opportunity to introduce Elo and massively expand the character of Doomer, she is going to be a very important piece of the next mini-arc, and deeply deserved a good introduction.
          Doomer is young, but no trace of innocence could be found, the world she grew up in is vastly different from Izem, no carefree childhood, no dumb cartoons, no movie or music, only the eternal night, and it reflects on her character, she isn't a bad person, she just lacked all the occasions we have to socialize, in a world doomed, it made sense for her to keep that nickname.


Well Hello there!
          Chapter 5 is on the backburners, it will explore a lot of others characters and shine a new light on other reclaimers, such as Atom, Elo and many more.
          From then, it will lead to chapter 6 and the second mini-arc (i'm planning every challenge as its own mini-arc). The POV of chapter 6 will be done through the eyes of Izem, but each mini-arc will have its own set of POVs in order to flesh out everyone, and to make sure that every single main character gets its fair share of actions, emotions and developpment.


Well Hello there!
          Chapter 5 was a wild ride for me, i didn't expect to actually finish it but it's done, by now,  the first arc/challenge is finished, and i guess you can start to see how the story will be structured, each challenge will involve a different protagonist and different characters, with different dynamics, the objective is to always keep it fresh, and keep it personal.
          It was really fun for me to write Izem and Ann's adventure, mostly because these are the two characters i wrote first in my mind, i wanted for them to have a quite unique dynamic, both characters are old with a very bittersweet view on life. I am still not satisfied by chapter 5, no one is ever satisfied by their own writing after all.


Well Hello there!
          As you have seen, there is a bit of a timeout between chapter 3 and chapter 4, but worry not, for i will return with the conclusion of the first challenge.
          I decided to take a break of a couple of days because, well, writing 4 chapters in one week emptied all my energies, but it's back now, stronger, better, faster.
          The next chapter will see the conclusion of the first Room, and as you've seen, the next chapters/challenges will introduce new points of views and every reclaimer will have their moment of glory!!
          For now, it's time for "Ann" and "Izem" to finish their job...or maybe fail... :)