
          	Check out the quadruple update, if you are interested!


Have you read the Heroes of Olympus series??? (Sequel series to Percy Jackson)
          Also I loooooooove kotlc, the Hunger Games, and Percy Jackson!!!


Very, very hard question. But I'd have to Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus because I'm reading that series now. I've already read the first two books, but I'm rereading them because it's been a while and I just finished the Lost Hero.


Yep! I am yet to read Trials of Apollo, though.
            Cool! Which series is your favourite?


know what is funny, my hand is in @WaveyReads profile picture. in the right corner about half way down. you can see it better when she uses the pic for a cover.


the cover if best quotes of books. you can also see my ironman triathlon timex watch. lol


Two chapters and two specials in Keeper of the Lost Child! I tried my best. If you are interested, please go read and give feedback.


Heh that was really long...


            I know! Honestly, I feel like the first five or six chapters could be shortened to one. I know that I have learned a lot in writing this, and now, looking ahead at the ending I have planned, I realize I'm going to have to go back and edit a LOT of it. 
            Thank you for sticking with it! Since my internet will be limited for the next week or so, hopefully I will get more writing done, but no promises!
            As always, I love when people give constructive criticism to help me improve my work, so thanks!


@WaveyReads hey! I love your book, keeper of the lost child. But as I was reading it today I noticed that it’s already past chapter thirty and... well this may just be my preference, but maybe try making things go a little faster. The story line is interesting and all, however it feels like there could be more happening. Again this is just my opinion and you can listen to it or totally disregard it, it’s up to you. I just feel like you could do more. Keep up the good work!


I am very confuzzled... my reads have been going up a lot in the past month, my followers going down, and I still have not updated at all...
          Thanks to those who are still reading, and I swear there will be an update in the next week!


Joshua 1:9
          Be strong and courageous.
          Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
          Don't ever forget that God loves you. No matter how many times you put this message aside or ignore God's calling, he is always there for you.
          He is the one who gave you life.
          He is the one who gave you your talents.
          Your hopes.
          Your dreams.
          And he loves you.
          Send this message to everyone you love.
          And even those you hate.
          Because God loves everyone--even his enemies--and he calls us to do the same.


Oh my goodness. I want to cry, and scream... Wattpad has just glitches once more, and deleted almost all of my unpublished drafts... I'm so mad. And RIGHT when I was about to publish.
          So guys, I'm really sorry, but there will not be an update today like I was hoping... I'm really, really, really sorry...


@WaveyReads Oh hon... I’m so sorry... I’m glad that most stuff was backed up, but...


            Luckily, I had quite a few of my stories backed up, but it's a mess, and most of the backed up versions are unedited... ugh. I makes me so mad.


@WaveyReads Yikes I hate it when that happens