
Who is Allan…?


this message may be offensive
          I am so thankful and appreciate you read my stories, and I hope you have been enjoying them.  I know they aren’t the greatest, or maybe don’t have the best all out story within the plot.  But, I have been having a blast, and enjoying every minute I write them.
          I just wanted to let you all know that If you are currently in the middle of any of the stories I’ve written so far I’d recommend you stop doing so.
          I know this sounds crazy (or your thinking oh thank god ), but I’m going to be doing a little bit of retconning here in the next few weeks/month(s).  
          After I finish my big finale for this phase of stories, I will be going back and remastering/expanding on the stories a bit more due to the minor experience I have gained on this writing journey.
          Nothing crazy will be added like new characters or anything, but I know there are things that I regret heavily doing early on as the universe progresses
          (such as character development, or stories being too short for my liking.  I would like to expand the universe more with the ideas swirling in my brain)
          That’s all I really had to say, I thank y’all again for taking time out of your busy lives to read my bullshit that’s in my brain!