
...well then, guess who's back bitches? I'm sure none of you are going to read this. If you do, I'm deleting all my stories except for this one. 
          	Being dumb had its perks I guess. 
          	Anyways, bye-bye my insane people!


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I was just reading something that made my eyes water. After I was done reading it, I thought to myself: “How can I read the most gut wrenching, make you sob stories and not cry, but when I read something with fluff some shit like that, I bawl my eyes out?” 
          Cause, I went back to the gut wrenching one and read it with a straight ass face but oh no, when I come across one where it’s all fluffy with some angst, I cry like a newborn child!
          I know this just ain’t me. I know that there are many people out there who do the same.
          Anyways, I’ll post some soon. Bye my insane people!


Hey guys, I just posted a new story that doesn’t deal with what I’ve written. I decided to take a change of pace.
          You do not have to read it but I just wanna let you know that I just dropped the first chapter of it. You’ll be able to find it quickly I hope. 
          Bye my insane people!


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Sup guys, sorry I haven’t posted in a while. Like, a good while.
          Just have some shit that is draining my energy to do anything, like update. I just wanna let you guys know that I have not abandoned you my insane people, or my fics. Some things are just going on and I feel drained.
          Anyways, I hope you guys and girls and my non-gendered and just everyone, are having a nice day, evening, and/or night.