
Doing a bit of rewriting on High school blow Outs a lot of changes have been going on in my life and since that book is based off of MOST of my life I’m making a few changes ❤️


Is Your Oc a Mary Sue?
          1: He/She is stunningly/unusually beautiful/handsome.
          2: he/She has multiple special abilities or skills .
          3: Going hand in hand with the above, he/she's always being uber-heroic, rescuing random people and saving the day.
          4: he/She's kind and virtuous (unless she's an EVIL Mary Sue) and has no big character flaws of any kind.
          5: At least one character falls immediately/insanely in love with her/him.
          6: All the good characters in the story just seem naturally drawn to her/him.
          7: Sometimes there is a prophecy or legend about her/him.
          8: She/he is portrayed as being cooler/more mature or more important/powerful than everyone else in the story. 
          9:She/he often has a tragic/angsty/mysterious past.
          10: She/he is so darn perfect and 2-dimensional that it's annoying and boring.


            1. No
            2,3,4,5,6,7: No
            8: Kind of?
            9. Not really
            10. No