The genderfluid squirrel may not be genderfluid.
I am also not a squirrel.
So, for 3 years I was out as a transguy. My name was Zach, Zachary Matthew Reyes. I never really questioned that, ever. I was a guy. My dysphoria is and was terrible. I never was accepted at home, my parents almost divorced because of me being a transguy. I had a relationship completely not work out because I was trans. I felt bad about being a male.
I went to a mental hospital and was away for a while. I started to question my gender, mostly since other peoples were asking me a lot about it and I never had good answers to their questions. I went through a lot of research and started thinking I was genderfluid. I started to think this because on some days, I didn’t really have dysphoria.
Now that I’m thinking about it, I might not have raelly felt that gender dysphoria because so much more was happening mentally and even now, the days were I feel agender are days when a lot is going on mentally.
After I came out as genderfluid and changed my name to Jem, I still called myself Zach in my head. I didn’t really stop for about 8 months and sometimes I call myself James. I question my name a lot, if it’s the right name for me. It causes me a lot of stress sometimes.
I feel so right being called a he, as a genderfluid person I like being called he 100% of the time and I don’t think thats normal for a fluid person. I don’t know.
Also when I came out as genderluid, people said that sounded right and that I seemed to fem for a guy. This hurt me, a lot. That made me cry.
I’m sorry. I feel ashamed.
I think I’m just a guy, that used to seem so right but it caused so many problems at home.
I can’t believe I’ve typed this. I can’t believe I’m posting this.