          Rules accepted 
          Reason I love shapoo :-They are just perfect balance for each other like love swans! Male swan is protective whereas the female swan is elegant and wise ;they even can be described as human form of ardhanari as their face matches with each other perfectly...... In my eyes they are Sempurna in every angle ❤❤


Post member:- veebha Anand 


Username: @renuka01 
          Nickname: renu
          Rules followed 
          I love shapoo Coz they are perfection personified. They're bond is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
          Character: Riya Deepsi 
          Post: member


          I love shapoo, there are many reasons for me to like them together but one of the reasons is that they look cute together and the way they played the role of ardi in mahabharat serial was just amazing
          Admin, graphic designer, reviewer and mentor
          Richa Mukherjee
          @its_Elsa_life @Shapoo_Saga @Draupadi_lover @AmritaSil @Shelin_17 @Hawkeye7576 @livegirldps


Username : @Draupadi_lover
          Nickname : Alisha
          I love shapoo very very much bcz their chemistry is supperr, amazing and they played Arjun and Draupadi's character perfectly.
          Post : Mentor,Watcher,Member 
          Character : can i choose any other actress from other shows? Of yes then I will be Mallika Singh or if I have to choose from Mahabharat then Pallavi Subhash
          Tags : @ardi_lover @its_Elsa_life @Shapoo_SaGa @Chai_lover_2007 @SrilekhaMitra7 @Hawkeye7576 @Fanfic_Writers_08 @HariniArjuna 


Username: @SrilekhaMitra7
          Nickname: Sri
          Why do you like them: They have perfectly portrayed the role of Arjun and draupadi. I like their chemistry because they are perfect for both on screen as well as offscreen. I wish they should come back soon with a new serial.
          Rules: Followed 
          Post: Member
          Role: Saurav Gurjar
          Tags:@ShaPoo_SaGa @Hawkeye7576 @Draupadi_lover @AmritaSil @Its_Elsa's_Life @Neehz