
Still working on the final chapter of sight of eternity. Life got away from me and I want it to be perfect. Thanks to anyone who’s patiently waiting 


Are you ever gonna finish sight of eternity… it’s one of my favorites and I’ve read it multiple times


I never comment or like anything so this is a little weird for me just know that u have amazing writing and talent and if I ever make anything else I’m gonna be the first to read it! <3


Yesss as long as u want ittttt!!! If u ever get the time u should make more George or Fred fanfics…. Ur writing is so amazing and sight of eternity is so unique compared to everything I’ve read and I’m picky bahaha


Ahhhh this is so sweet! Yes, I’m currently writing the final chapter as we speak. I want it to be long (if that’s ok) right now I’m at 2k words. I hope you enjoy it when I release it! My goal is the next few weeks
            Thank you so much for enjoying it 


My life is complete! I'm going to see Team Starkid tonight for the first time ever and I'm so excited!! I watched every single musical over again in preparation for tonight lol


@RosieFae1996 it was SO much fun and I dressed up like Joey's version of Ron and got a few compliments, so it was really nice!!!


Have been editing and uploading the sight of eternity to ao3 and it’s surprisingly getting interacted a lot more over there. Who knows….maybe when the story is completed it’ll get the love my other works have. 
          I can only hope 


Fifth year chapters of Sight of Eternity have been revamped and reworked to something IMO better? If you're giving the story a chance, let me know. I've decided to completely rework it while adding it to AO3 at the same time. Hence why I've been doing this!


Hello! I've been slowly adding my latest story to AO3 and I plan to add my others as well, I realize since the sight of eternity is my "comeback" It's not hitting like the others SO there's major reworks and if you see new chapters for the next few days and get confused why they're during the earlier years its because I'm trying to get back in my groove and I'm slowly getting there. 
          Thanks for all the patience and if anyone still believes in my works, thank you <3


          I finally renamed “Future Hearts” I’m going to take a mini break in posting just to get the story more solidified. It is a WIP after all. Please bare with me!!! 
          Thank you for giving this new story a chance, it’s been awhile but I’m happy to be back and writing again.


I like to think that me making tiktoks based on The Only One, George Weasley fanfic I wrote ages ago. Is why I’ve gotten a few more people reading it….if only they had been there while I wrote it. The fresh new comments back then during some of the chapters were just perfection lol