Wondering if I should go back to my original account theme. Yk, the old 'tachi stuff. Remake the insta, update old books, etc. I miss yall. I miss how it was, yk. Anyone who's still here, let me know.
@Weasel_Chan I think so. It’s mostly because Madara and Sasori kept *cough* raping Gaara. ):< but yes, I am so thankful to hear from you again! I honestly thought everyone had left, Wattpad is so quiet now since pm’s have been removed. If you ever want to role play again, I am still here! How have you been tho?
@Weasel_Chan I’m doing good, thank you for asking! I’m glad all is well with you. c: it’s so nostalgic finding someone whom were here forever ago as well! :o
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@LON3LYD3MON they kept WHAT?! That's actually so fucking wild. Yeah, I don't know why they got rid of private messages. It was very helpful sometimes and a great way to make friends. Oh, yeah, it seems people have left or died down. But I'm ecstatic you're here!! It's so good to hear from a friend. I'm alright, how are you?