
Hey yall, hope you guys are doing well, update I brought a new car, and I got a paid internship!!! which is great for school but I have been slammed with work and school work so I haven't been writing a lot :( But this weekend I am taking time to write and get to typing so you will have some content soon!!  I love each and every one of you! Thank you for your support so far!


Congrats on your internship and car! That’s really exciting! And I totally understand about the whole workload thing, as I have been being slammed with work too, and people have been pressuring me for updates.... 


Hey yall, hope you guys are doing well, update I brought a new car, and I got a paid internship!!! which is great for school but I have been slammed with work and school work so I haven't been writing a lot :( But this weekend I am taking time to write and get to typing so you will have some content soon!!  I love each and every one of you! Thank you for your support so far!


Congrats on your internship and car! That’s really exciting! And I totally understand about the whole workload thing, as I have been being slammed with work too, and people have been pressuring me for updates.... 


Hello everyone! Hope everyone is staying safe but I wanted to share that actually got into a really bad car accident on Saturday, and have a small concession. So from the Dr, I have to limit the amount of time I spent on the screens which also including writing and time that I use for school :( so I might be MIA for the next week or so. Also trying to hunt for a new car so please send some magic and positive vibes my way! I love each and every one of you! Thank you for your support so far!


I’m so sorry to hear that, take your time and get better soon!!<3


@WeasleyMuch Good Luck! /* ❤❤


Okay so question I have read a lot of comments about Hermione and Fred, not Hermione and George. Which I guess is something I never knew about. SO the question is, should I change it? What do you guys want to see/ read?


@WeasleyMuch  I love it maybe some thing happens to hermion e and George and we go  st him up or idk Hermione has a baby lol


Also, tell me what else you want to see in the story?


hiya !! i just wanted to know if there is a book 1, 2 and 3 to The One Weasley ?? i was a lil confused if you deleted them or not haha


@WeasleyMuch i was going to ask the same thingg.. so theres so 1,2, & 3 correct? just start at 4?


@WeasleyMuch i was gonna ask the exact thing bu a lil different


@hersafehaven Hi, there is not I actually started the series at the fourth book! But I will be doing 4-7 I guess 8!


Hi ! I want to read your books but figured I should ask if there was a 3rd book before the forth on a different account or something? They look very interesting but I dont want to have missed something! (:


            Ok! thank you so so much (:


So you haven’t missed anything 


Hello! I actually started the series at the fourth book! 


Hello everyone! Happy November! I hope everyone is doing well and thank you so much for the love on the two stories! I have been so slammed with school and Halloween stuff! I’m trying to get the chapter out to y’all ASAP! Thank you so much for the love have a great week