
Finally managed to recover this account and wow is this thing perpetually stuck in 2019 lmao


*whips out laptop*
          *incorrectly enters password three times*
          *finally gets it open*
          *tries to find the mouse*
          *finds the mouse*
          *rapidly clicks in Google Chrome a bazillion times*
          *Googles 'aninaljsm'*
          *Googles 'animaljam*
          *tries to remember username and password from two years ago*
          *gets it on first try (hell yeah)*
          *spins wheel*
          *gets 100 gems*
          *tries to remember how to search for a player*
          *figures it out*
          *goes back to your bio to recheck your acc name*
          *finds... Victory Majorwolf*
          IS dat you?


Since the Voltron fandom has turned into a complete war zone over the release of season 7, come hide out with me on Amino at Nova_Sparks to talk about said season without the risk of having a limb torn off.


@Webkinzluver5 pls protect me as well, most of my friends have left the fandom but I just cant let go ;;;;-;;;;;


Hey bro I see you like basically everything I like. Hit me up on aj my username is Elsaisnotbad5100 (sorry for the bad username the account used to be my sisters but I’ll be changing it soon hopefully) and I like webkinz too. Lps, animal jam, voltron, etc. basically all things imaginable. Hope we can be great online friends!


The seventh season of Voltron isn't even out yet and I'm already an emotional mess