You know when you have a close friend, one that you basically grew up with, made so many fun memories and experiences in the past, and recently (quite a while ago but you've only just admitted the reality now) you feel like ur the one putting in all the effort in the friendship? Whenever you talk, it feels like they only have one fraction of their attention towards you because they are so wrapped up in their 0wn world but they also continue to expect you to listen to their vent calls and messages? You feel so drained after talking to them. And you've given them so many chances, been purposely blind to the amount of times they have overstepped your boundries.
And only today they have pushed your last button, and that's when the sweet person you grew up with shatters, almost dies in your heart, because all along you have both been clinging onto heartfelt memories. And the moment you finally come to terms with the harsh truth, you don't cry because you were in denial about the fact that people change. It was the moment where you realised you were delusional to ever even think that any sort of friendships were going to last forever.
Because I'm sick of waiting for someone who'll never arriveee :/