
I just wanted to apologize for my inactivity. By no means am I abandoning my story, I've just had a lot of stuff on my plate. You know how it is. That being said, I have been working on the next chapter AND I also have plans for some new stories. Okay, I'm always planning new stories, but I'm feeling pretty confident about these ones so fingers crossed!


Queen, you have nothing to be sorry about. Just please don’t push yourself to put out stories and I know it's hard to try and meet the demands of your audience but you have nothing to be sorry about. You just go at your own pace, that's all anyone can ask of you.


@WeebMoira  it's ok just don't push your self ok


I just wanted to apologize for my inactivity. By no means am I abandoning my story, I've just had a lot of stuff on my plate. You know how it is. That being said, I have been working on the next chapter AND I also have plans for some new stories. Okay, I'm always planning new stories, but I'm feeling pretty confident about these ones so fingers crossed!


Queen, you have nothing to be sorry about. Just please don’t push yourself to put out stories and I know it's hard to try and meet the demands of your audience but you have nothing to be sorry about. You just go at your own pace, that's all anyone can ask of you.


@WeebMoira  it's ok just don't push your self ok


So, because it's taking me so long with chapter 5, I figured I would also post chapter 6 along with it. This chapter has been a stubborn, uphill battle for some reason. I'm so sorry for the wait.


this message may be offensive
It’s okay queen. You do the good shit that is worth waiting dor


I apologize for the slight wait on the next chapter of Gíallaid. Caught a bit of the con plague and just haven’t been able to focus on it. However! I do have a good start on it now and will hopefully have it out soon!