Hi! My name, well, I don't think you need to know it but you can call me Hikari! Not my real name but a name my friends call me, I apparently 'brighten their day'. I'm pretty sure the only thing I do is darken it but oh well! 😂

I'm in Highschool, yes I know that horrid thing that we have to go to since it's required by the law.

Any who I'm a fûcking weeb. If you couldn't tell by my username and nickname(as it's in Japanese). I also love anime, I mean duh it the most amazing thing ever created! Well, second to Kimari which is my favorite Korean food. Anyways I'll leave basically anything else classified! 😊

I'm also a geerd, a mix between both nerds & geeks
  • Somewhere in this vast unive- I mean world
  • JoinedJuly 21, 2017

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