Hi gaes, I know lama dah saya tidak publish cerita kat sini. AHAHAHAH
Actually, saya dh lama tidak minat kpop dah. I mean, I stop. idk just hilang dah excited ngan kpop dah. Maybe sebab studies or life kot, idk.
And this account, saya tidak delete cause sometimes i still read my old fic and other here. So, dont worry kalau ada yang nak baca.
Part cerita yang saya tidak sambung tu, you guys can give up on that, kalau tak nak give up pun okay je, cuma saya tidak tahu bila nak continue since saya dah lama lost interest dgn kpop ni.
Saya masih tulis cerita just cerita bxg la, masih tulis bxb cuma buat masa ni saya tak tulis. Also cerita bxg yg sya tulis tu sya publish cuma saya letak private. If you have link then you can access, gitu... I dont think yalls minat dgn fic bxg sya since most of you follow sya sbb bxb fic sya. Hahahaha
Okay, lastly. Thank you so much sbb dh sapot sya dari dulu. I think it 2019 or 2018,lupa bila sya start tulis kat sini. I having so much fun here, hehehe.. Dpt kwn dari negara lain, share idea and so on. If korg yg follow sya dari fic nct crackhead stories tu, thank you so much sbb baca cerita sya yg merepek dan merapu tu. Love yalls.
Also, my life update now since i love you guys so i share. Im on my 20s, done my diploma and graduate with flying colours result, dpt pingat dean list, also convocation last year. And most important, this year i got a job and sesuai dgn bidang yg sya belajar. Alright, thats all!
You guys boleh follow ig sya @benzyooo tpi acc sya private, boleh pm sya supaya sy tahu awak nak follow ig sya. Sbb sya nak tahu juga sapa follow sya, sbb sya tak nak acc promote apa tah brg diorg follow sya, annoy.
Also sya ada lepak kat twt juga @gabbyllla cuma jarang lepak situ. Yg ni public acc, kalau nak follow private acc sya yg ni @ice_coffeeless. Also kurang active. HAHAHAHHAHA
Dh macam artis dh sya ni. HAHAHAHHAHA, k la tu sahaja. Byee, menghilang lagi