
Hey guys, for whomever was following Forelle, their books has been deleted by Wattpad because some dick decided to report them, so yeah.


          	  For real, there are many Countryhumanbooks that are bad.
          	  BUT NOT @Forelle's books.


Hi my fellow Weimar loving friend! How are you?


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I’m doing fine, just mentally dying inside from stress- that’s what happens when you have to make sure people are not dying 24/7 I got a job I didn’t want aka baby sitting my cousins for 40- an hour- but it’s only about 2-3 hours a day. Still- I have six children I have to watch- and oml am I ever stressed about children- one of the reasons I hate kids- even though I’m technically still one myself being the dumbass I am- anyways- you did not need to hear my ramble about my stress- I’m sorry…


Hello! Not doing so bad, yourself?


Hi guys, I'm not dead!! I'm just struggling balancing writing and doing placement all at once. Don't worry, stories are coming out soon!! I've got lots of one shots on the go, as well as two brand new CH books and one old CH book that I am currently rewriting. My fingers are gonna be busy!!


@WeimarRepublic2 dw man, take as much time as ya need!