Hello, This is my second account from this one cause I lost my password for this one. So this account will be inactive. The reason why I can't get my password back is because my old phone won't let me click on anything so ya. I might be able to get it back but until then I will be using this one. This is probably one of the only serious notes your gunna see.
!Semi Important¡
I won't be on Wattpad as much because my phone is glitching like crazy and clicks on stuff i dont want it to. I will try to be on just not often until i get a new phone.
If they were to make an anime love triangle between earth~chan,moon~kun, and sun~kun. That'd be a lotta pedophilia since the sun is way older. And the moon used to be apart of the earth so wouldnt that make earth~chan older than him and also his mother?