
Hey guys!
          	I don't really don't want to bother you all but I would really love your help. I have lost all motivation to write more of my story, "Troubled Past", due to the fact that I just don't know where to go. If any of you all get a moment, please read it and give me some suggestions. I really love the story and want to finish it but just can't find the words.
          	Thank you!!


@Weird_n_insane I'll attempt to write my own stories, no promises as to their quality though. You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it, I was afraid I may not have captured the characters properly. I'm excited to see the rest.


@KnowingToast can you please start writing. I mean actually sitting down and writing your own stories! Please! I want to read them. O.o thank you for this. I don't really know what else to say. This is incredible. I've already got most of the next chapter written and I will definitely have this in the front of my mind! Damn. O.o 


@Weird_n_insane Enraged by this act against him, he forgets about Tommy and chases Addie into the kitchen, but this is Addie's house, she knows all its ins and outs. She grabs a knife as she runs through the kitchen and pushes it through Richards abdominal area. Richard falls to the floor dropping the gun. Addie, only shocked for a second on the thought of killing someone, quickly runs into the other room back to Mr. Wilson and Tommy. She gets down to Mr. Wilson's level, he's fading fast. He says her name. Addie replies "I'm here. I'm here." He calls to Tommy who was already at his side. "I'm right here dad" as he holds him tighter. She lets a single tear fall. *Insert heart felt goodbye from Mr. Wilson directed at Addie and Tommy (something along the lines of be good, take care of Tommy)* Addie can't hold herself together anymore and collapses into Mr. Wilson. All the while, Richard still alive, writhing in pain grabs the gun and starts crawling his way to the room with the family. Just as Mr. Wilson is fading out, Richard makes it to the room, aims his gun and takes his shot. Addie shocked by the sound turns to see Richard dead, holding the gun. He bled out. She can't feel anything, she looks down, no blood. She looks over at Tommy, he's in shock, his shirt stained red. He looks at her "Addie" he cries out before falling to the floor. She screams and rushes to him, cradling him in her arms. " You were the best big sister I ever had." He says through tears. Addie trying to comfort him "No, don't say that. It's going to be alright. Stay with me." She grabs a phone to call an ambulance, but it is in vein. Once the ambulance arrived, Tommy was long gone.
          	  Sorry for such a long post, I forgot I was only writing a suggestion half way through. Hope this helps.


Hey guys!
          I don't really don't want to bother you all but I would really love your help. I have lost all motivation to write more of my story, "Troubled Past", due to the fact that I just don't know where to go. If any of you all get a moment, please read it and give me some suggestions. I really love the story and want to finish it but just can't find the words.
          Thank you!!


@Weird_n_insane I'll attempt to write my own stories, no promises as to their quality though. You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it, I was afraid I may not have captured the characters properly. I'm excited to see the rest.


@KnowingToast can you please start writing. I mean actually sitting down and writing your own stories! Please! I want to read them. O.o thank you for this. I don't really know what else to say. This is incredible. I've already got most of the next chapter written and I will definitely have this in the front of my mind! Damn. O.o 


@Weird_n_insane Enraged by this act against him, he forgets about Tommy and chases Addie into the kitchen, but this is Addie's house, she knows all its ins and outs. She grabs a knife as she runs through the kitchen and pushes it through Richards abdominal area. Richard falls to the floor dropping the gun. Addie, only shocked for a second on the thought of killing someone, quickly runs into the other room back to Mr. Wilson and Tommy. She gets down to Mr. Wilson's level, he's fading fast. He says her name. Addie replies "I'm here. I'm here." He calls to Tommy who was already at his side. "I'm right here dad" as he holds him tighter. She lets a single tear fall. *Insert heart felt goodbye from Mr. Wilson directed at Addie and Tommy (something along the lines of be good, take care of Tommy)* Addie can't hold herself together anymore and collapses into Mr. Wilson. All the while, Richard still alive, writhing in pain grabs the gun and starts crawling his way to the room with the family. Just as Mr. Wilson is fading out, Richard makes it to the room, aims his gun and takes his shot. Addie shocked by the sound turns to see Richard dead, holding the gun. He bled out. She can't feel anything, she looks down, no blood. She looks over at Tommy, he's in shock, his shirt stained red. He looks at her "Addie" he cries out before falling to the floor. She screams and rushes to him, cradling him in her arms. " You were the best big sister I ever had." He says through tears. Addie trying to comfort him "No, don't say that. It's going to be alright. Stay with me." She grabs a phone to call an ambulance, but it is in vein. Once the ambulance arrived, Tommy was long gone.
            Sorry for such a long post, I forgot I was only writing a suggestion half way through. Hope this helps.


Thanks for adding my story to your RL, hope you have an amazing time !


 Really ! Thank you so much !


@In_The_Abyss  I really look forward to reading it! :) Your summary is probably one of  the more grabbing ones that I've read!


Thanks so much for the follow, love


Aww thank you. I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed it. ♥


@Thebloodygrimmreaper There was no way I couldn't after reading Take Me Away. I was speachless at the end which is rare for me. Thank you for the incredible story


Thank you so much for the follow!


@Weird_n_insane Well, I'm sorry I'm distracting you XD But, I'm glad you like my books!


@XxNekocoxX Thanks for writing some great stories. They definitely aren't helping me stay focused and study for finals but who cares. I'd rather be reading. :P 


Thanks for adding my story to your reading list!


@so_weird_and_odd Also, love the username name XP 


@so_weird_and_odd Definitely! Your story looks really interesting and I can't wait to read it