Hey Guys, I don't know if anyone will read this or not, I am taking a pretty big break, like a year of, well I am not really good writer, but since I left some stories unfinished so it's my responsibility to tell the one who are reading them (oh gosh I love you if you are reading my stories).
Don't worry I'll finish the stories. I had joined Haikyuu fandom when I was really depressed and they made me so happy, (especially the oya oya oya) right now it's a crucial year for my career starting so I am thinking of giving my whole attention to the studies.
I might update in between but it would be rarely.
Thank you for reading my stories, next year if I make it to the college that I want then I would continue all the stories.
(And please don't steal my stories ಥ‿ಥ I promise I would continue writing them after a year)
( ╹▽╹ )
(And please pray that I get my dream college and then I would give you all nice stories)