
Hello hello everyone! I'm still alive, thank you for worrying. 
          	The post right below this one was 100% true, Unipupper is an account that I've had for years,, way before this account even existed. I genuinely thought that I wouldn't be able to get back into this account, but I was mistaken
          	Progress on the MHA Smut-shot book will resume immediately, but uploads will still be slow, thank you for being understanding


Hello hello everyone! I'm still alive, thank you for worrying. 
          The post right below this one was 100% true, Unipupper is an account that I've had for years,, way before this account even existed. I genuinely thought that I wouldn't be able to get back into this account, but I was mistaken
          Progress on the MHA Smut-shot book will resume immediately, but uploads will still be slow, thank you for being understanding


this message may be offensive
          Alright, to anyone who sees this message-
          Wattpad fucked up and I couldn't log back into this account. @Unipupper will be my permanent new account, so I will be starting a new MHA smut-shot book on this account. This account was made ages ago, but it was the only one Wattpad allowed me to access. Old books on the account will be deleted, and process on new books will begin immediately.
          The Weirdo-Artist Account will be inactive PERMANENTLY, but it will remain up so that stories already published will still be readable.


Sooo, regarding my disappearance at the end of December and beginning of January. I don't know if any of you were wondering, but this is why I disappeared for a while:
          Near the end of my Winter break, I had a depressive episode and tried to commit suicide. I was hospitalized for a week in the psychiatric ward, and spent another week in outpatient, so coming in and out from 8-3:45 everyday. I wasn't allowed to have any electronics while in the hospital, so I couldn't write anything.
          I've been trying to update, but I've been struggling to write and have been having a writer's block, and getting back to my regular life and routines and school, and I just haven't had time to work on the books that you guys want to see.
          I know that this is really out of the blue, but I felt the need to let you guys know.
          Thank you if you took the time to read this.


@sunn1ee Thank you so much, I really am trying to update books for you guys. I love my followers more than you probably know and the support i get from you guys is so tremendous and it makes me smile so much every time I get a comment on one of my stories, or whenever someone here talks to me, or just whenever one of you guys read my stories. This platform has become one of the things that keeps me going everyday, and i always hope that I can make at least one person happy with my writing 


Hey it's one of your friends and I finally found your account cause you said your picture was something else all hey Weirdo-Artist 


@Weirdo-Artist please don't tell me your reading my storys!!


@Weirdo-Artist hello Toga look alike


@nightmare_Nightlina. Eyyyyyyyyyyyyuyuyyyyyyyyyy


My boyfriend broke up with me earlier today, and i feel like I should have seen it coming, but I'm really depressed about it and I don't know what to do.
          I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be able trust loving some one after this.
          My ex and I had been dating since November, and i absolutely love him and I've never been happier with anyone else in my life.
          I also feel like heartbreak and sadness seem to follow me everywhere i go, and I don't think I'm going to be able to love anyone if I'm painfully aware that all my relationships end in heartbreak.


@Weirdo-Artist if already moved on, that great!


@Weirdo-Artist Why hasn't no one responded to this yet? I just found your account tho.
            I've never had a boyfriend in my life but I'll try to give you advice. 
            If you want to not think about him, discover a new hobby. Go bake, make music, draw or something. Anything that will keep your mind off him.
            Don't let your break up affect your life. From your words, he seemed like a good person. I don't know the reason why he broke up with you though. Don't let this affect your life. There are times in your life where you have to let go and move on.
            I don't know what other advice I could give you at this point since I'm single potato, but it's okay to single. Know that. There's more to life than just love. And it's good if you know that already! I just try to tell people this since I've always been desperately looking for someone.
            Spend time with your friends. Make new ones too. Make your life an adventure. Have fun!


I don't know why I'm still alive.
          I've been so tired, and stressed, and school's just draining my energy all the time and i dont know why i keep doing anything.
          I know im gonna fail all my tests, I'm gonna fail high school, and I probably wont get to go to college, so why am i still trying?
          I honestly want to put an end to my suffering.