
Just published the second chapter of (Em)barrassed, so go check it out and possibly give it some love if y'all enjoy it.


I'm starting to write more, especially with my new story. Share it if you like it. Getting back into things since I'm getting a swing into the military life finally, lol. Thanks for understanding everyone, and I'm going to try my best to write everyday.


I (sorta) have the first chapter done of my new story, I really think this is some of my best work because I took my time to write this. I'm not posting it yet till have written a few more chapters in the book, but with my new story idea, I also have another story idea. For now, that's on the back burner as I focus on this story I'm writing:)


I know that I haven't been updating on a regular basis, but it takes me a while to actually get an idea and sit down and write. I've been working on a different story, but it's on my laptop saved on a word doc. I really like how detail it is, but I'm going to finish that first chapter of the story and then go over to edit it. I think that you'll like it. I still yet to come up with a title for the story. Sorry for being MIA.


I just published a story, don't know when it will appear, I'm going to put on a different cover and maybe a different title to it, but I'm in love with the plot of this story because my teacher helped me out getting the idea. I enjoy the idea of the story and the story line of where I want the story to go. When it appears, read it and if you like it, like, comment, share, or even follow me! 
          Sorry I haven't been on, I've been trying to find some inspiration, and I found it!