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Author, your story successfully made me attached to it. Through out my life, i never understand others and empathy for them well.
Not to mention, lam incapable of understand love and feelings. I am a logic person you can say that. Somehow, i attached to your story bcs i realised i was like Ani. Not 100% alike but most of my traits. Your story taught me about emotions like what Cassie really feels (you know when someone say put yourself in others shoes i didnt really get it but with your story now i know). I dont know what others feel unless they tell me (i hate that actually since im not emotionally intelligent) . I started to be more open minded about others mentally (by not assume anything bad) and being vulnerable with them. Same like Ani, i feel love and being vulnerable is weakness which it makes me hate the idea of loving someone and you change me. Thank you so much author for opening my eyes and for portraying cassie's feelings and her POV very well in this story bcs now i have better a understanding in love, especially love perspectives from our loved one. And thank you so much for writing a
'cassie' character with mental ilness + broken family backgrounds bcs it taught me a lot about life. Once in my life, i had someone like Cassie. The character and the mental ilness almost the same. She loved me and i loved her.Our relationship started from friendship and it grew toxic. Never have i realized she faced the same shit as Cassie. And during our relationship, we fought a few times same like Ani and Cassie. The difference is, we never get to fix it and move separate ways. I gave up. She came back. I pushed her away bcs i was traumatised like Ani. Times flew, i moved on, reading your story which is influenced me so much and now i remember her. Feel stupid bcs i failed to understand her better before.
I really hope u read my thoughts :)