You say mental health is important
Until you can't eat without feeling bad
Until you hate yourself for every mistake
Until you can't stay clean
Then you realize it never was to you
You say mental health is important
Until you can't eat without feeling bad
Until you hate yourself for every mistake
Until you can't stay clean
Then you realize it never was to you
Hello, I hope you're having a great day. Whenever you have a moment, could you please take a look at my books? Your support truly means everything to me. Thank you so much!
Dear mom, I need to tell you something
I am a warrior
But my dear mom, I need to tell you something else
I was never supposed to be a warrior
And you know that, both of it, please accept it
Okayyy, stellt euch vor, er schreibt euch immer, jeden Tag guten Morgen und guten Abend, interessiert sich für euch, ist lustig und schlau, ABER er lebt in China, ihr habt dadurch 7 Stunden Zeitunterschied und er ist 7 Jahre älter?
Wie würdet ihr Handeln?
I don't know if I like you and I know I couldn't even tell you but you make me just so happy that I want to talk to you and hug you but instead we just write messages and I am going slowly crazy about that.