
Hi, all! 
          	Coming Wednesday, the paywall for Enraging the Alpha will change to a static paywall to allow me the ability to upload as I go with the story. This is happening due to some personal hurdles and health issues currently affecting my family. Wattpad has been hugely supportive through this time, and I appreciate them—and you—immensely. No worries, as scheduled uploads will still occur, just with a little more grace for me. 
          	As always, you all are the best <3


Hi, all! 
          Coming Wednesday, the paywall for Enraging the Alpha will change to a static paywall to allow me the ability to upload as I go with the story. This is happening due to some personal hurdles and health issues currently affecting my family. Wattpad has been hugely supportive through this time, and I appreciate them—and you—immensely. No worries, as scheduled uploads will still occur, just with a little more grace for me. 
          As always, you all are the best <3


Hi! I already completed the A Lovely Nightmare before but I want to reread it but I can’t find the complete story in wattpad, audible and in amazon. Is there any site I can read it? I also want to know the title of the other book of A lovely Nightmare Please.  


Absolutely! I will definitely read all your books. I love the way how you wrote all your stories. ☺️


            Hi! I’m so honored that you’re returning for a reread :) Unfortunately, with the end of my contract with my prior publisher, I decided to revise A Lovely Nightmare to reflect how I’ve grown as an author. I plan to give it the attention it deserves once I’ve finished my Robbing the Alpha series. If you’d like check out some of my other works, both The North Star and Bayou are completed and free. Or if you like werewolf stories, Robbing the Alpha is currently part of Wattpad Originals and on its third book. Thanks again! 


Hello, lovelies! My story Robbing the Alpha is part of the Werewolf Week Sale. Snag my story and other amazing werewolf stories for 40% off! Valid only till November 3. Find all the stories on sale here: https://www.wattpad.com/list/1636853955?utm_source=wattpad&utm_medium=wp_writerprofile&utm_campaign=mkt_octwosale&utm_content=en_launch_sale


Hi how are you doing today 


Hey, so I’m not sure how this works. Wattpad has definitely gotten some updates since I’ve been gone so hopefully you see this. But a couple years ago when you finished a lovely nightmare, I was the girl that you helped with her little short story about a dream she had.
          I was recently thinking about a lovely nightmare and I ended up finally getting my Wattpad account back. I also ended up buying it on Kindle and I just finished reading it! I remember there being a Red’s story though. I really wanted to read that after I finished a lovely nightmare and I noticed that it’s not on here and I can’t find it anywhere else. I was wondering what happened to it and if there’s anywhere that I can find it? I love your books and I have actually been reading other ones that you’ve finished and started since I’ve been gone these couple of years off Wattpad. You are still the amazing and talented author I loved when I was younger ❤️  hopefully you see this and I may still be able to read red’s story! 


The dark side is better  You are revising them!? That’s awesome! I can’t wait to reread it after you finish ☺️ I’ll keep checking to see when it comes back up   and ofc! You were my first intro to Wattpad and I’m so grateful for that you are the main author I’m on here for ❤️


            Hi! Gosh that seems like forever ago! So glad you’ve come back to the dark side ;) 
            I’m actually revising A Lovely Nightmare right now, and I’m unsure when or if I’ll do the same to its sequels. If you’d like the original version of ALN though, it is still available through audible. Perhaps I’ll post Red’s Story once I’ve finished just to allow you all access. Thanks for loving on my stories! <3


Hey, you are such a great writer. How did you pitch your story into Wattpad originals.... I am curious to learn 


            Thank you! <3 I entered Wattpad Originals when it was invite only, but I hear they’re opening up submissions to everybody! Woot!