
Thank you sooo much for following me! I've decided I want to start personally thanking people who follow me and so far you're the first one.. Please tell me if this is strange.. I am not very well accommodated with what's strange and what isn't.. (apologies) Anyways! Back to what I originally wanted to say is I'm really grateful for you following me. It helps a lot, I've had trouble with wondering if I should even post anymore because of so little reads and followers but seeing people follow me ever so often is really refreshing and snaps me right out of it!! 
          (omg I can't believe I just ranted to you like this I'm so sorry for my actions I would just not post this but it seems like such a waste, so apologies..)


@pvnk4u hello bro. I'm sorry for not answering your message that you sent me, I just read it, I'm really sorry. 
            If you're wondering who I am, I think I'm your first follower or one of the first and now I'm reluctant to write this message but it doesn't matter, it's what I deserve. and I also regret answering you after 11 months