
Heyo! After some review I have determined that my story has not been plagiarized. This, even if my story is cringy or is bad writing I have chosen to keep it up. If anyone has a problem with it you can  report my story and have wattpad officials review my story. Have a great day!


Heyo! After some review I have determined that my story has not been plagiarized. This, even if my story is cringy or is bad writing I have chosen to keep it up. If anyone has a problem with it you can  report my story and have wattpad officials review my story. Have a great day!


Hey all! I noticed that the story Far away has been getting a lot of view and has been getting scrutiny. I just wanted you to know that I wrote this story 3-4 years ago when I was a sophomore in highschool. I wrote this story as a culmination of all of my dreams and nightmares and a story line that I created and crafted on my own. I didn’t base my plot line on anything other than what I wanted to see out of an alien story at that time. I didn’t know that there were already works that had the same plot line. Even still while I do recognize that this book is terrible by source of grammatical errors and horrible plot, I did write this story with my own ideas. I have been looking at the links which I am grateful for and all of the links that I have went through has referred me to things that I have never seen before. As I do recognize that my own book is literally trash, of which I do agree with you, I will take it off of wattpad. I meant no harm to any books or any authors or even readers. Have a happy thanksgiving!


So its been a long time and I've officially started college. With that, I've been thinking of getting back into the writing scene. As a forewarning my content is most likely going to be in the Mature range but also maybe not. A lot of things are unknown but I mainly want to start writing again, even if its just a few oddball sentences, smut scenes, or a full on story. Not that anyone reads this anyways, I just want to say that I am back and hopefully I can start making content again.


So not that anyone reads this but with Far Away getting closer to an end ( I kind of want to stop at 40) should I just end it and not look back or when I end it should I go back and edit it so that it becomes better because although it is my first book and I still have a lot to learn I am kind of terrified to look at it because I know that there is a lot to change. 


What’s up? I have been writing my story, Far Away, and I would just like to say that I am still pretty new to writing. I’m sorry if the words don’t run as smoothly as they should. I would like to announce that I am working on another story on top of this one. It is set in a world of werewolves. I usually write in that story when I don’t know what to write for Far Away. As such, I most likely won’t publish it till I get halfway through the story. I hope you have a wonderful day!