Well when someone follows me i have to follow then back because when someone thinks im interesting i like to get to know them by profile. And you are now my friend!!! Yay!!! Happy dance!!!
Ok so they first give info about themselves and how they grew up and childhood stories. And then towards the end they write their own made up story which they are funny!!! Oh and before that they did two one word stories and they are priceless!! They make no sense whatsoever. Then they tell a story about goin to LA and almost getting arrested because the people thought they cheated at winning the money game thing which i cant remember now at the casino. I would tell you about the whole trip and stuff and why they couldn't put the video they had about it and stuff. Their life is very interesting. You would love like seriously LOVE the book. It is awesome. I gotta go now. Ttyl!!!!
Omg!!! That is exactly what happened with me and my parents told me i was being annoying. My friend Maggie lend me a book called The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire by Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. Awesome book. It is where i got the profile pic.
So we are close to the same species... Just a little different... Im a good student but i have problems with doing my homework. Thats the only problem. But who cares? Not me!!!