
Maybe someone's reading these. Maybe not. I'm gonna keep talking anyways. I'm going to start a new project that'll run concurrently with Stormfall, something that's a lot more at home to me. I've always been at home talking about some of my experiences, but I also enjoy fictional writing, notably the supernatural. I'm toying with the idea of combining the two. I was a teenager when Twilight was getting popular, but I always found it lacking in a lot of places: mainly what an actual human being would do in that situation. So, I'm going to try my hand at the genre. What happens when a fireman winds up crossing paths with a vampire? Find out with the debut of my next story, title still in the design phase, but working under Bloodfyre. Stay tuned, True Believers!


Maybe someone's reading these. Maybe not. I'm gonna keep talking anyways. I'm going to start a new project that'll run concurrently with Stormfall, something that's a lot more at home to me. I've always been at home talking about some of my experiences, but I also enjoy fictional writing, notably the supernatural. I'm toying with the idea of combining the two. I was a teenager when Twilight was getting popular, but I always found it lacking in a lot of places: mainly what an actual human being would do in that situation. So, I'm going to try my hand at the genre. What happens when a fireman winds up crossing paths with a vampire? Find out with the debut of my next story, title still in the design phase, but working under Bloodfyre. Stay tuned, True Believers!


I'm definitely not the best romance writer, but it's something I'm working on and evolving. If you're paying attention in Stormfall, I've left quite the window (a rather well-defined window *cough-cough Miles and Kerry cough-cough*) for further adventures in Vacuo. Maybe some romantic buildup? Maybe an adventure on a mission? Maybe something else? Send some ideas my way of some stories you'd like to see, and I'll see what I can do.


Stormfall's rolling in a great direction, I think. It's kinda fun watching my writing style evolve over the course of the story, and I'm hoping yall will enjoy it too. Chapter 21 is getting posted to Wattpad here shortly, and Chapter 50 is in progress in the main document. I'm going to be dry of material until Volume 7 premiers since the goal is to keep this as close to canon as possible, so I've thankfully got some material to keep readers interested until then, hopefully. I'm also working on some concept art for Mason and his weapons, as well as his future teammates. Hopefully, those of you reading this will be around for the long run, because I'm looking forward to seeing where this all goes. Until then, stay frosty.