
MERRY CHRISTMAS MFS.  I JUST GOT THREE ALBUMS, AND TWO CONCERT TICKETS. YOUR GIRL ABOUT TO BE PARTYING. In all seriousness, hope yall have the most wonderful Christmas. TO my fellow Christians, may Jesus brighten up your night 


Alright, so I've been working on a story, but I'm losing faith. It's a minsung AU type, and it will definitely be taking a lot of time, but I need some ideas. Also, I noticed many of my recommended stories are in a whole nother language. Therefore, I cannot get any help due to half of the stories being written into another language. So, yeah. I NEED IDEAS ☕️


YESSIRRRR!! Although, would you like to be mentioned for the story? I'm fine with giving a shout out. I also, won't be finished with this story for possible some time, but I guarantee you I will be doing it.


@Wezaltoncow43 okay so I know that that issue has been dealed with but I have a request can you do a jaywon FF where they were forced to get married and Jay doesn't care about him that's what jungwon thought but it was just because his parents told him not to fall in love so when jungwons friend gets there it makes Jay jealous and we're not going to talk about the rest:))))


False alarm, turns out my little cousin got into my phone and switched the language. My apologies ☕️