
Not me thinking of adding another pronoun to my pronouns since I got curious about how to use a certain one and that led to me going down a path of pronouns and finding one that I'm like "do I want to be called that?" And I think I might Idk yet


Not me thinking of adding another pronoun to my pronouns since I got curious about how to use a certain one and that led to me going down a path of pronouns and finding one that I'm like "do I want to be called that?" And I think I might Idk yet


Went to the doctors because ive been nauseous for the past five days. First they thought I was pregnant, which ive never even done that, and now its just my anxiety. Wth? I'm pretty sure I'd know if it was my anxiety since I'm anxious almost every single day. And I haven't even been anxious lately! So explain that, how is it my anxiety if I'm not feeling anxiety? For the past five days I'm rarely been anxious and yet they, the doctor and my parents, are convinced 'oh its just her anxiety'. No its not. I dont know what it is but it's not that since ive literally only been nauseous, no other symptoms. But since I'm a teenager and I have anxiety that immediately makes it that thats what's wrong. Me being a senior now just probably adds that to the list on why my parents think its anxiety.


@What-Are-Emotions That was a waste of a doctors appointment.


Okay well now this is starting to piss me off. Who keeps reporting me? Istg I will delete all my posts if this keeps happening. Idgaf, y'all probably won't hear from me for a bit anyways since if what I'm going to do works then I'll have no reason to post anymore.


Actually how the hell do I have so many followers? Like I don't post, were my comments that good you decided to follow me? I mean I don't really care, not being rude I just literally can't feel my emotions most of the time, I'm just a bit surprised because 144, that's a lot of people.


Okay I don't even remember what I wrote about but apparently it had to do with sh or something because wattpad itself private messaged me and removed two of my posts I think. Which honestly kinda bothers me because I literally can't remember what I wrote because of this stupid medicine I'm on. All I know is my posts were removed and I can't remember what they were about. So now I'm regretting not screenshoting them so once I'm used to this medicine I could see how stupid I was being.


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Honestly I just realized how possessive I am. Like I already knew I was possessive because its me and I'm crazy like that. But I mean for my best friend, thats like a sibling to me? I do would do anything for her. I would *literally* kill for them if she wanted me to or if something bad happened. Like I dont know if it has to do with the fact me and emotions dont really click, if its just the fact shes probably the one I'm closest to or what. But I would do anything for her. And I realized that a couple months ago but I just realized how far it runs because with other people I dont feel that, like if you f*ck with my friends I'll defend them, but I think that they're the only one I would be willing to kill for.


I kinda regret coming out to my parents because at least then the constant deadnaming and misgendering would be because they didn't know and because then tons of strangers I've never met wouldn't know that I'm trans since for some reason they seem to tell everyone they know that I'm trans


Possible Tw: SH and scars mention
          (Once again if you know me irl dont mention this please)
          So I just remembered the time when my parents almost saw my sh scars (which btw they look really bad). So it was the same day a couple months ago when I realized my wrist was sprained like four days after spraining it. So like for some reason my entire body, basically, was hurting that day but it was mainly my right arm, more specifically my right wrist and elbow. (This is also the day my dad considered getting me high so I would stop feeling the pain. Which now that I think about that sounds like he wanted me to stop crying and complaining of my wrist hurting, but I had to get it x-rayed to make sure it wasn't broken so I think that speaks of the pain I was in.) So after getting me a right-handed brace, the next day as I was wearing it I mentioned that my elbow was also hurting and my mom told me to wrap it, so I did. But since I was wrapping it myself one handed, it wasn't all that good so she just told me to let her do it. And I, stupidly, agreed and I pulled my sleeve up as far as I though it could go and handed her the wrap, she immediately pushed my sleeve up more and the speed at which my hand covered my upper arm was so fast its unbelievable that they didn't get suspicious. Because immediately after I did that I realized I shouldn't of and tryed to make it look like I was just holding my sleeve up so it wouldn't get in her way, she proceeded to wrap my elbow and I pulled my sleeve back down. I think my dad was a little suspicious from the way he looked at me but he hasn't said anything. I only rememberd this because my scars and arm hurt right now, specifically my scars and elbow so it just reminded me of then.