
Hey!!! As you guys can tell i’ve been starting to get pretty active lately and i am pretty much going to try and continue this activity! :) i will be posting around 1-2 possibly 3 chapters a week depending on how i’m feeling with some short breaks in between. If there is any input you guys have for me let me know! 


Hey!!! As you guys can tell i’ve been starting to get pretty active lately and i am pretty much going to try and continue this activity! :) i will be posting around 1-2 possibly 3 chapters a week depending on how i’m feeling with some short breaks in between. If there is any input you guys have for me let me know! 


And I have officially made my big return with my new book Teacher's Pet! My writing style has since changed since 6 years ago but don't you worry. It has improved. I plan on making updates at least once or twice a week on the book depending on what I'm doing with work and my college classes.  Until then, please check it out and let me know what you think!


@GenociderConover thank you imm in a writers block rut rn


Hello everyone! I have now finished and have redone Let's Be Together! It is now being written how i wanted it to be so go give it a read! it is a whole different story line and everything so please go vote and comment on it! thank ya and love ya's!
          ~WhatSerName2 <3


Hey guys! I was wondering if you could do me a big favor and read my new fanfic and vote on it! I am not posting chapters until i start to get reads and feed back because i have not been getting any :( It would be great to know that someone is reading them! Love Ya's!~WhatSerName2<3


Hey guys! I have now just released a new fanfiction! I know, it is long over due for something new!  So i hope you like Fall Out Boy because its a Patrick Stump fan fic! If you would like me to write any specific fanfiction written please let me know and i will see what i can do! but yes! please give me input on my new story and love ya's! ~ WhatSerName2 <3


this message may be offensive
Hello everyone! i am so sorry i have no been writting a lot. I just recently lost my best friend because she told me to go kill myself so i have just been really depressed. I wen't to my prom/dance last night and it was lonely but i started to dance a bit. My friends are currently ignoring me, not really enjoying that but i wanted to  let you guys know that i have just been really depressed and that's why i have not been writting a lot. school is almost over so more soon!


@WhatSerName2 sorry to hear that :( if you want to talk, i'm here.