
As it stands, everything is finally written and edited. That means that SAO:FB Scars will post its remaining chapters sometime next week and this account will officially be dead. Dont worry, I’ll still check up on her, but I’m not going to be writing on Wattpad anymore. 
          	Sorry to the two people about discontinuing the GATE series. I got really bored of writing about it. Couldn’t find the energy to come up with more situations.
          	Uhmmm…thanks for everything. It’s truly been an honor to write stories for you all. Thanks.


As it stands, everything is finally written and edited. That means that SAO:FB Scars will post its remaining chapters sometime next week and this account will officially be dead. Dont worry, I’ll still check up on her, but I’m not going to be writing on Wattpad anymore. 
          Sorry to the two people about discontinuing the GATE series. I got really bored of writing about it. Couldn’t find the energy to come up with more situations.
          Uhmmm…thanks for everything. It’s truly been an honor to write stories for you all. Thanks.


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I know the very few of you are probably wondering what the fuck I’m doing right now with the book and that answer is nothing. The reason is that r/SAO is having a writing contest right now and I kind of want to dedicate more energy to that right now. Don’t worry though because once that is said and done, I will post my submission to said contest here and you can see what I wrote. 
          I’ll let you know one thing and that this story is a completely different universe from the original canon and the world of Fatal Bullet that I had created.
          So sorry about not getting any FBR updates until probably July and I’ll post the remainder of Switched Roles for June.
          Hope you guys understand that :)


Hey man…I just started reading the FB prequel yesterday and manage to finish the series today. It was awesome and really intriguing. I wanna know does the aftermath story will be worth reading it before you manage to finish FBR?


FBR is going to be an improved retelling of what happens in the game itself. If you know what happens in the game already it’s your choice to read it or not


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Boy I have no clue what the fuck to write for FBR now. It’s like this part of the game is really boring tbh that I’m debating if I should just do a plot filler or something instead of just them getting through the world.