
Finally updated legendary!


Write down Ficiana, I wanna see you write down 
          Now edit it, scale that sh*t down, edit it, now scale that sh*t down. *mindlessly sings to myself as I try to brainstorm for my first chapter.* (if you’ve never heard Thotiana, you might not get this and that’s okay. I love you still ) 


I actually wrote my first fanfiction story. Well I’m actually writing my first fanfiction story that will get published online. I just posted the prologue. Please give it a read and let me know what you think! As always, fav, share, comment! Love you guys 


As part of The Teen Fiction Awards 2018, we're running a short story contest to celebrate Pride Month. If you're interested, navigate your way to the book on my profile and you'll find all information in the latest chapter :)


@EmmaEverAfter would i be able to enter the book i just wrote for pride 