Happy New Years!!! 2019!!!! Woooooooo!!!
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Happy New Years!!! 2019!!!! Woooooooo!!!
Happy New Years!!! 2019!!!! Woooooooo!!!
About to see my father.....this will be fun
I can’t right now I need to talk to somebody....A turn came to my life. My parents were fighting at one moment.Now I’m in the car with my bags packed and away from my father.I miss him already and I haven’t even been an hour.....
@Harry_ford_fan @__nutella_is_bae__ Thanks for the support! The situation is slowly getting better. (I think)I just needed a bit of time to myself lately,but I'm feeling somewhat better.Again thanks for the support!
@Liza-Koshy that is so sad to hear. I'm so sorry this tragedy happened to you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers.
I have depression XD
@Liza-Koshy when you add an XD at the end of every depressing sentence to make it seem like you're okay but really you're slowly dying on the inside XD
I have been procrastinating about writing this message for a LONG time since I’ve heard the news.....I never wanted to write this ever ,but I have waited some time on posted this message and it needs to go said eventually. My greatest Hero Stan Lee Has passed away November 12,2018.... I never got to meet him, I don’t no him personally...but Marvel was always adored by the six year old me and the same me today.I remember watching the old DVD Spider Man Classics and cheering when our hero after he won the battle. It’s hard to believe he is GONE and I just have been so so sad due to the lost of an amazing man,hero and creator. I will miss you Stan Lee and so will the millions who adore you u too!
@LunaMoonstarOffical I love your books,thanks for being an amazing author!
Did anyone see the movie “Queen”? I did and I loved it!!
Hello there!
For one act at school we are doing Aladdin.....and I got the princess!
@Liza-Koshy we are doing the little mermaid and i got stage director because i hate my singing voice, i can't speak in front of people without having a panic attack, and because i want to help out since my friend is going to be in the play.
40 freaking degree s outside plus windy and my mother says I'm being over dramaticwhen I came into the car,I said it was freezing . How about you stay outside school 4 40 minutes!!! Plus its dark so don't give me that BS mom....my mother and me havent been getting along well
I've never seen over 3 inches my school let's us out for the whole week if it so much as sleets
@__nutella_is_bae__ we get about 6 snow days off from school where it snows two feet, one time we had a snow storm in may it snowed 1.11 feet
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