Guys, I have a serious question for you.
Do any of you actually read the stuff I write anymore? Or is my stuff just the meaningless pop-ups that show up in your notifications from time to time? Truth be told, I was talking with a family member, and I was basically told that the stuff that I work on, the stuff I'm so passionate about, is just a meaningless hobby in the end.
I don't even feel like writing, modeling, or making renders anymore. Because at the end of the day, it's all just worthless pixels on a screen, are they not? Now I just feel like I should give up on the projects I wanna do. They're not gonna get me anywhere substantial.
And the more that I think about it, the more I'm realizing that nothing I've done, nothing that I do, means anything to anyone. I don't mean anything to anyone I know in real life, and to that end, I've just accepted it. But hey, at least people online like the stuff I make... right?
Sorry for kinda just unloading this onto you guys. I just...
I'm not doing too great right now, and I doubt it's gonna get better any time in the near future.
I don't know what to do anymore...