
Happy Bismarck day, fuckers.
          	In other news, Happy Valentine's Day


Guys, I have a serious question for you.
          Do any of you actually read the stuff I write anymore? Or is my stuff just the meaningless pop-ups that show up in your notifications from time to time? Truth be told, I was talking with a family member, and I was basically told that the stuff that I work on, the stuff I'm so passionate about, is just a meaningless hobby in the end.
          I don't even feel like writing, modeling, or making renders anymore. Because at the end of the day, it's all just worthless pixels on a screen, are they not? Now I just feel like I should give up on the projects I wanna do. They're not gonna get me anywhere substantial.
          And the more that I think about it, the more I'm realizing that nothing I've done, nothing that I do, means anything to anyone. I don't mean anything to anyone I know in real life, and to that end, I've just accepted it. But hey, at least people online like the stuff I make... right?
          Sorry for kinda just unloading this onto you guys. I just...
          I'm not doing too great right now, and I doubt it's gonna get better any time in the near future.
          I don't know what to do anymore...


P.S And yes! I still read the stuff you write nowadays! 


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@WheatleyWeasel Herr_Garendalas is right. 
            You have been letting depression get the best of you, and it's simply going to get worse if you're aren't going to treat it  with therapy! 
            And I'm glad that you already did the first step: Which is by opening up to us to let us know how are you doing.
            Now let me ask you this... 
            Do you TRULY think all of those writing, modelling, and even renders are all just worthless pixels on a screen the end of the day? Surely a small part of you would like to say otherwise. 
            Constantly ask yourself: Why are you here? Why did you start writing? Why did you start doing all of those stuff at the first place!? 
            Think about it; if you quit right now, what would others AND long time followers would think about you? A quitter? Someone who simply just decided to 'fuck it all' and let fate decide this Wattpad account of yours? 
            Now, you may think I'm just here to give comforting lies, you're wrong, I'm here to HELP you. So does the others who've known you! 
            When you were still writing so actively, I was probably one of your BIGGEST fan. A fan who ADORES your work. I would often re-read them for hours saved in my library, just because they're probably one of the few things I enjoyed reading. 
            But seeing you right now, just makes me wanna find and give you a bro-hug. Life is not fair, but you are not alone. 
            As to end this comment, I want you to remember this everyday,
            "Ships don't sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them." Don't let what's happening around you get inside you and weigh you down! 


Your passion will only drive you if you let it drive you.


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Be me today
          > Go on YouTube to watch funny video
          > See the fuckass pink color palette change that literally nobody wanted
          > *angery.jpeg*
          > Try reloading
          > Still there
          > Open video in old tab to try and get back the old UI
          > UI reloads
          > See pink UI again
          > Day ruined
          First it's the fucking war on adblockers, and now this shit? Like, why? Literally fucking why? I fucking hate new YouTube.


Yooo did you survive the hurricane?


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@PixelatedGoodbyes Yeah. We're just cleaning up shit now. But, we just found a pygmy rattlesnake in the yard, so that's fun.


Man, ya'll ever just go back to a good book you were really enjoying, only to find out the author deleted it?
          *insert pain.jpeg*


Like, I'm genuinely pretty upset that the story I was going back to is gone. I really wanted to finish reading it, but now it's gone, and I can't find any traces of it. I even went looking for the original, considering it was a fan translation, but I've found absolutely nothing. So yeah, pretty sad right now.


Hey, I know it's been a hot minute and some of ya'll may be wondering where I've been and when I'm finally gonna update any of my stories. Well, truth is, I've been all tangled up in modelling and hunting down blueprints for ships, vehicles, etc. The whole reason I'm even doing that is because I eventually want to produce my own anime as a massive passion project, though I suppose I have to write the actual story first.
          I am going to try as best as I can to write out the stories and make something actually worth reading compared to my old stuff. I've been on here for about five years now, and the more I look back on what I used to write, the more I just cringe at it even existing, which is why I'm trying to so hard to make something actually decent.
          Sorry for venting a little, but I do plan on trying to get some stuff updated on here, even if it's just the minimal I can even scrounge up.


@WheatleyWeasel s'fine man, ye do good work 


Decided to change my background to my favorite German heavy cruiser, the Prinz Eugen. Why? I don't know, probably because she's the first heavy cruiser (and German ship) I'm modelling in Blender. (Barrel rifling is still an absolute BITCH to model)


When I eventually finish modelling Prinz Eugen, I might just change the background to a render of her.