
Well, since Wattpad's apparently removing PMs on May 6th, you guys can contact me via Discord for any inquiries. Doubt anything will really come up, but y'know, just in case ya'll wanna ask something.


Decided to change my background to my favorite German heavy cruiser, the Prinz Eugen. Why? I don't know, probably because she's the first heavy cruiser (and German ship) I'm modelling in Blender. (Barrel rifling is still an absolute BITCH to model)


When I eventually finish modelling Prinz Eugen, I might just change the background to a render of her.


this message may be offensive
Alright, I'm not going to fucking use YouTube anymore. Fun while it was up, but this new Ad-Block policy, for lack of better terms, is FUCKING STUPID.
          The reason I installed an Ad-blocker IN THE FUCKING FIRST PLACE is so I don't have to see YouTube's STUPID FUCKING ADS. I am genuinely infuriated right now. These fucking greedy corporate scumbags are like "Oh wE nEEd YoU to WatCH ouR aDs beCaUsE thaT'S tHe oNlY waY we maKe MONEY." No, I don't fucking care. If your ads were less intrusive AND FUCKING SKIPPABLE I'd have a lot less of a problem. But if you fucking block me from watching videos BECAUSE I use an Ad-Blocker, then you can kindly go fuck yourselves.


            they actually did that?


July 1st, 1946: A fleet of ninety-five warships of varying types has been gathered in an atoll in the Marshall Islands, known as Bikini Atoll. Among these warships is the Lexington-class aircraft carrier, CV-3, USS Saratoga, the Admiral Hipper-class heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, and the Nagato-class battleship IJN Nagato. This fleet of ninety-five warships has gathered in Bikini Atoll to participate a joint military and scientific effort: Operation: Crossroads.
          The objective of this endeavor was to collect data on the effects of nuclear weapons on various warships and pieces of military equipment. The first test of Operation: Crossroads was Test Able.
          At 8:59 A.M. on July 1st of 1946, a Mark III 'Fat Man' nuclear bomb, carried by a Boeing B-29 Superfortress, Dave's Dream, was dropped from an altitude of 28,000 feet into the center of the fleet. Fifteen seconds before 9:00 A.M., the bomb detonated with an explosive yield of twenty three kilotons.
          Five ships would sink as a result of the test, others would suffer damage that ranged from critical to negligible. USS Saratoga, Prinz Eugen, and Nagato would survive Test Able.


Would you guys prefer if I started posting on Wattpad again?


@WheatleyWeasel I say you should go for it, if you want


            I really would like to start making covers for these again


I’d like it, I’m not on Ao3 much 