
Edited "Overdose", found many mistakes and errors. :/ Enjoy reading the hopefully error-free chapter.


I'm sorry to all the people who are irritated or unhappy that I haven't updated in a LONG LONG LONG time. I know it's been long overdue. I'm just busy these days. Just kidding,but half true. With exams coming,I'm more busier. Also,I've been having a writers block for a while. Sorry for the inconvenience.  My updates might be shorter since I don't want you to wait too long for updates. I might publish a chapter within this week.


I'm working on Chapter 2 right now. Sorry for the delay. I decided to write the story and plot from square 1. To old readers,plz retread chapter 1 as I have changed big portions if the story. And if u don't read it u won't get the next chapter. Thx. To new readers,thx for reading and I hope u enjoy my story.....or dislike my story. Ciao. :P 


@ Wheesus-Christ  hello