
I’ve only been back at school for 3 weeks and it is already the weirdest year so far. One of my friends got busted for smoking weed and being extremely high, and I mean not even in this universe high, at school, kids have started to bark and hiss at people while cosplaying as sailor moon characters, and to top it off one of the boys in my class sent death threats to our old Spanish teacher. But it’s better than when a boy in my class sent threats to shoot up the school so I guess that’s something. Oh public school is fantastic 


I’ve only been back at school for 3 weeks and it is already the weirdest year so far. One of my friends got busted for smoking weed and being extremely high, and I mean not even in this universe high, at school, kids have started to bark and hiss at people while cosplaying as sailor moon characters, and to top it off one of the boys in my class sent death threats to our old Spanish teacher. But it’s better than when a boy in my class sent threats to shoot up the school so I guess that’s something. Oh public school is fantastic