
Hey all! After a very busy and hectic first 6 months at my new job, I'm lucky enough to have a good 25 days of vacation between now and the end of New Year's weekend. Assuming I can keep myself on some sort of consistent writing schedule, I'm hoping to finish the book up by then! Wish me luck, and happy reading!


Hey are you discontinuing God’s dream


Thank you for your update congrats on getting a job


@aiissiiaawk Hey! Sorry -- I started this back when I didn't have a job, and then once I got one, I've been pretty bad about finding time for writing. Definitely hoping to finish it when I can though, and just published a new chapter!


Hey all! After a very busy and hectic first 6 months at my new job, I'm lucky enough to have a good 25 days of vacation between now and the end of New Year's weekend. Assuming I can keep myself on some sort of consistent writing schedule, I'm hoping to finish the book up by then! Wish me luck, and happy reading!


Hey all! If you're here to give the book a read, many thanks! Comments and critiques are highly encouraged, even if you notice something as small as a missed comma or a grammar mistake. Higher level feedback is also really appreciated too.
          If you like what you read, I'm going to be pretty much non-stop writing for the next few months, so hit the follow button and I'll update the story with more soon!