
I miss her


@darksun2011 I just say stuff like that because sometimes I need to rant and get it out


@darksun2011 somebody close to me :| that’s all I’m gonna say


I miss her


@darksun2011 I just say stuff like that because sometimes I need to rant and get it out


@darksun2011 somebody close to me :| that’s all I’m gonna say


          I’m bored T-T
          Home alone YAY
          What are your fav songs guys?


@Whenthesungoesdown11 I forgot the singer but you can search the name of the song in youtube :)


Love hearts and sunflowers to all of you


          *sighs again* 
          Oh my word. 
          I have is many notifications; I’m sorry for not getting back to you all, I haven’t been active, for like, ages, or on email, so yeah but um… yeah. I’m sorry. It’s just like, ugh I don’t even knew how to say this, um, like, ughhhhh um, ok, I’ve just been so tired and sad and stressed and tired and sad and stressed (yes I put them down twice because that’s how strongly I feel about them). 
          I’m just, like, ok, I know I’m supposed to be happy and everything, and I’m trying to be; I am trying SO hard to be HAPPY and GOOD but I just can’t. I don’t know, I just can’t do it anymore. I can’t take it anymore, any of it. Everything’s turned black and white and I can’t see through it. I can’t see the colour. There’s no colour in life anymore. Ughhhhh I don’t even know what I’m saying… all I’m saying is that I’m tired of life and I hate it and I hate myself and I can’t be joyful anymore, I just CAN’T, and I don’t know what I’m doing or who I AM ANYMORE, and I feel so misplaced at this new school. This damned stupid hellish school. I don’t even matter there. Ok, sure, I have ‘friends’ and ‘teachers’ and everyone’s nice and all, but like seriously, I feel so misplaced. No one cares about me anymore. I’m just another person there, another girl, amongst of hundreds of other people. So who really cares about me anyway? And my family are nice and stuff, but I just don’t even know what I’m doing here, in this household, with an empty chair where my mom should be and only four plates at the dinner table where there should be five, and where I feel restricted and I can’t make some of my own choices and I can’t do anything I wanna do because of this stupid stupid family, and I don’t feel like myself anymore. I don’t even know who I AM anymore. 
          Sorry for the rant :( 
          I just can’t do it anymore 
          Remind m ego stay positive because apparently I can’t do it myself


@Whenthesungoesdown11 Aw, ty, u just made me feel so much better. Yup, i promise ill try to stay positive too; the both of us. <3


The girl reading this is kind and I'm proud of her. Now, you're on the clock.❤❤❤ In 9 minutes something will make you happy. Please share this with 15 girls you love. Remember,only for girls. If I don't get this back I'm obviously not a close friend. Now, I have a game for you, it's been played since 1993. Once you read this, you have to send it to 15 people. Your next 5 days will be like this: Day 1 - you will wake up to the biggest shock of your life. Day 2 - you will cross paths with an old friend you have missed. Day 3 - you will find yourself with a lot of money. Day 4 - your day will be perfect. Day 5 - the person u like the most in your life will spend lots of time with you.If you don't forward this, your next 5 days will be the exact opposite.♣️♣️♣️ Don't break this.♠️♠️♠️ Send it to 15 friends in 10 minutes. It's not that hard. Whoever sent this to you must care about you.Sent to good friends and family No group chats ; just and copy paste it.