
hello its cynthia!
          	first time posting a message damn. first of all just wanna say if u enjoy my writing, pls follow :) shameless plug aside, if you have a request for my tf2 one shots book please DM from now on because it is a little hard to keep everything organise judt going off comments. if you have a request that I haven't written yet, please also DM me. just slide in.
          	ill get writing as soon as possible thanks~


@WhereAreOurLives you're doing great sweetie


I love typo lol just*


hello its cynthia!
          first time posting a message damn. first of all just wanna say if u enjoy my writing, pls follow :) shameless plug aside, if you have a request for my tf2 one shots book please DM from now on because it is a little hard to keep everything organise judt going off comments. if you have a request that I haven't written yet, please also DM me. just slide in.
          ill get writing as soon as possible thanks~


@WhereAreOurLives you're doing great sweetie


I love typo lol just*


Hey guys!
          Kat here!
          So I know there hasn't been much activity on this profile lately, if at all. The thing is, Cynthia uses this profile WAY more than I do. But she's currently away in China, and I have absolutely no idea when she's getting back.
          I don't have much time anymore since school has started up again to do my HP oneshots book. I'm sure that I'll do something about it one day, but I just can't be bothered much with this profile until Cynthia gets back.
          Sorry guys.
          ~ Kat <3


@WhereAreOurLives i miss you. Come back to meeeeeeeeee