My last post isn't just about all the black people who were angry in Ferguson, it's also about the stupid white people who are shooting in schools out of resentment. That post is out of personal experience. I went to Drake University on a campus visit to check out the school. Everyone there was black except for one white boy. He didn't talk to me at all and neither did anyone else, but one boy. I presented a poem about what college means to me, and very few people clapped. There were four boys inparticular who looked agitated that I was even there rolling his eyes and mouthing the words "shut up". BECAUSE OF MY SKIN. The other person who read his poem, of dark decent as well, was applauded very loudly. Thinking I was taking too long or it wasn't nearly as good as I thought, I quickly shut up embarrassed. After the reading, a leader of the campus tour said I had done really well and couldn't believe I had made it up off the top of my head. She said that they had writing clubs and contests at the school that I should enter if I should chose to enroll. I had the feeling that I wouldn't be welcomed, nor would people believe I had an equal education in the english world just like them.