
This story is real. This is my own, and I will warn you that it is graphic. https://www.wattpad.com/story/48442743


A lot of you haven't heard from me in a while, but I want you to check out my newest story Between The Lines will be about my high school experiences.  This book is the first of a trilogy. Each one contains a romance, but the catch is that they're not all my romances. My best friend Madi and I have been through a lot in the past four years as well. Read to get the details!!!!


Hey guys I know I'm already in the  midst of writing two stories; one you're very familiar with IMJBTRAP has a recent update. The other is One Last Time, Whatever It Takes. OLTWIT hasn't had many reads, so I haven't continued with it at all, but I'll write more if you guys decide you like it!!! <3SRD


So I've had some story block problems and so many distractions to feed my ADD I haven't kept up on my stories that well. I want you all to know though that I will soon finish IMJBTRAP and the finale will be a BANG! Also in honor of my new found need to write for you all, I have started a new story based off of my whole highschool love experience so far. Mira (me) will throw punches, break hearts, and fight through a lot of the things the rest of you depressed students do. I can't wait to let you guys see the first chapter! <3SRD


I know that some of you are of dark skin and I want you to know that those individuals don't decide how much I care for you -my fans or not. I just hope that you would spare me the color connection of those who never learn from the past. I love you all! Tell me what you think of this. Have anymore rants that you'd like to get off your chests as well? COMMENT OR INBOX! Thank you. <3SRD


My last post isn't just about all the black people who were angry in Ferguson, it's also about the stupid white people who are shooting in schools out of resentment. That post is out of personal experience. I went to Drake University on a campus visit to check out the school. Everyone there was black except for one white boy. He didn't talk to me at all and neither did anyone else, but one boy. I presented a poem about what college means to me, and very few people clapped. There were four boys inparticular who looked agitated that I was even there rolling his eyes and mouthing the words "shut up". BECAUSE OF MY SKIN. The other person who read his poem, of dark decent as well, was applauded very loudly. Thinking I was taking too long or it wasn't nearly as good as I thought, I quickly shut up embarrassed. After the reading, a leader of the campus tour said I had done really well and couldn't believe I had made it up off the top of my head. She said that they had writing clubs and contests at the school that I should enter if I should chose to enroll. I had the feeling that I wouldn't be welcomed, nor would people believe I had an equal education in the english world just like them.


What will it take for people to stop resenting the color of my skin? It makes me so angry that people think just because I live in a nice home and I'm white that maybe my family doesn't have to work as hard as one of another color. I hope those people realize that most companies have laws about it being necessary to hire diverse ethnicities, that my parents didn't go to college, that my father grew up on army bases in poor towns where dark skin was the only color. My family respects what some people go through, because we work just as hard as any color does. #icantbreathe