If you couldn't tell.. There will be no Halloween special !! :CC I'm SORRYYY !! I decided to take October as a break month from writing just so I can purely focus on school , because I don't have the time to write because school is taking up such a huge majority of my time.. :"]]]] BUTT !! Next month I will try to get back on my grind :3333

@karasunosdemontsukki Thank youu ::33333 SORRY THIS WAS SUCH A LATE RESPONSE--

@WhimsicalEcstasy it's ok dw I'm kinda doing the same. Hope you have a great Halloween!!

Ehehehe , I'm currently working on part four of the Osamu angst series .. And I will tell you the title ! >:33 It's : Snare Of Night !! :DD

Future Osamu angst series chapters are more likely to come out in November !! >>w<<

AAAA I finally got part 1 out, I've never felt so accomplished before... [ Well other then finally posting part one of my Osamu series LUL ] :3333

You guysss , if the tsuki birthday special comes out like a day or a few days late I'm SO SORRY ASHSH , Like I've been procrastinating so bad, I think I might spend the weekend just working on the two parts :"DD

Not exactly an IMPORTANT announcement , but I’m working on the Lev angst hehe , right now it’s at 1k words , I plan on at least reaching 2k , I love one shots because they provide SOO much freedom , you can write as much as you’d like , unlike series where they’re kind of limited .. BUTTT I still love making series !! Although majority of the fanfics I’ll be publishing soon WILL be one-shots , I plan on making more series so it can go inside my collection of : Series .. Btw , should I make a one-shot collection ? Currently nothing will be there , and will be private until I have posted the Lev One-Shot , I kind of thought it was a bit unnecessary .. But I’m kinda [ really ] indecisive at times :”DDD Oh ! And should I make the ending with no comfort or good ending , or should it be hurt [ like really hurt ] with a good end or no good end ? :33

@karasunosdemontsukki HEHEHE OKAY THEN !! ONE SHOT COLLECTION IT IS !!! :DDD

@WhimsicalEcstasy Yesssssss one shot collection!!!!!! Also cant wait for the lev agnst

Sorry I've been procrastinating so much !! DDD": I've honestly been kinda busy playing video-games.. Ermm , so apologies !! And uh.. I haven't reallyyy been working on the Lev Angst , but I DID start it so don't worry abt that , I didn't slack off too-too bad.. :insertnekocatshrug: Soo , I'm probably gonna have to try and slightly overwork myself to get the Lev Angst out because I have something I really want to get out this month :"DD Actually two things , but the other one is A LOT more important soo ... 0-0 Anyways , apologies for making this announcement so longg , but I have to admit I've been procrastinating , so that's the reason why it might take longer than expected for me to finish it .. 0w0

hahah , thankss youss ^___^ Honestly same , just watching yt or busy with doing homework last second.. 0-0

@WhimsicalEcstasy honestly same don't worry. When I'm free from school I'm on c.ai or watching yt and I have so many stories I need to write it's insane So dw I feel ya pain

Ouu and for episode four of The Unbeknownst Steps , that might come out somewhere in September most likely :333

Finally it’s the weekend !! [ I consider Friday the weekend even tho I still go to school on Fridays … ] I can finally work on my fanfics more !!! :333