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Hey everyone! How's life? Im here just to make some announcements: 1.) It is 2019 and as I have promised, I would make an imagine book about Harry Potter! I'll start writing tomorrow and as soon as I reach at least 15 imagines, I would post them right away so stay put guys! 2.) As for my other three books, I would be making them not that soon because im still making the plot, the characters and everything. My first book will actually be a series about my OC x Draco Malfoy. Im actually almost done with the plot and shit, and the ideas are all written down. All I need to do is find the time to compose it all together. Oh! And the trailer of the first book will be posted in the Harry Potter imagines soon! My book is also a series about The Chronicles of Narnia! It will be about my OC being Aslan's long lost daughter. Like my first book (OC x Draco), it is almost done. Just need to find the time hehe... So, stay tuned for the trailer! My third story is about The Phantom of the Opera! Im not even 5% through so this would take a while hehehe.... 3.) If you guys have noticed I havent posted any Marvel imagines lately because one: I literally have no more ideas left, two: and if I did have ideas I dont have any time. So, please everyone, send requests!!! That's all I ask from youuuu!!! (If you know this line from the song then I LOVE YOU! ) So thats that! See you all soon!