
Also real quick, the art book just published will be updated occasionally so be sure to keep a tab on it if interested on future pieces. 


Another great chapter, btw did you see my previous comment?


@BlindJoe alright, I figured so after not recognizing it. And once again I really appreciate the words, and I know our lovely co author would as well. Along with everyone else lol, I really am glad you are enjoying it 


@WhisperingWells Yes I was referring to the post on the 6th


@BlindJoe That's good to know, and I do truly appreciate that. And scrolling through are you referring to the post on 6th? Talking about a bravo to me, the other author riot, the artist in the stories and the community as a whole correct? Or is there maybe a different post I haven't seen yet


Okay so remember the time me and you were talking about what like of powers Y/N could have and In the reboot?


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@Randolph1205 honestly idk, I imagine them being hard to fight cause even if weak metal, it's still metal. That shit would hurt to punch either way


Yeah, besides it’s confirmed that murder drones and worker drones are made with very weak metals so I’m sure that powers are not even needed when it results in hand to hand combat


Just read the new chapter and it was another good one, bravo to you and whoever else is helping with writing, also to the people making/requesting fanart. It always amazes me what we as a community can do and create.


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I think I found an idea for a future chapter of the reboot. Think you man make something similar to this. (Ignore the dimension bullshit)


Cool. Glad I could be of service 


@Randolph1205 I'll say this, it's not that bad. Don't know if it'd feet into the reboot, maybe would or wouldn't idk. But I like the tense feel to it


Or you can listen to the whole thing if you want to


hello ^^
          I wanted to ask you something...what are you planning to do with Tessa? Let me explain, we know that in the original MD she is used as a skin body for Cyn. But in this story will you save her or leave her the same? I would sincerely prefer that she be saved since what you and your friend did made me care for her, although I know that if you save her I would have to change and think about many things for the story, what do you have in mind?


@oskypadd Well I don't wanna spoil too much, but I will say, Tessa does not get skinned this book. Nor will anyone else, everyone's keeping their skin. But just because we letting those to live, doesn't mean their life gets to be easy.


I got a question, will Y.N find a way to fix N and V {possibly J and Uzi too} from overheating so they won't need to drink oil? I ask because last year at Glitch X Liam was asked "how often do the MDs need to drink oil?" and he basically said that plot point was retconned, so I was wondering if you could find some way to make that change make sense in the story.


@BlindJoe I don't ever Liam saying it was retconned, but then again I haven't watched it in a hot minute so don't quote me. But to answer it shortly. Yes and no. Long answer, it's complicated. I remember we talking about alternatives and other things, maybe they work maybe they don't, I ain't planning on spoiling what we got planned. But we do have plans. Are they permanent fixes? I don't remember tbh lol, me and Riot had this specific convo a looong time ago so my memories a bit iffy. 


Hey, I have an idea, since the gala massacre is coming up maybe you could give Y/N {and maybe V} a bit of PTSD {getting stabbed by V while trying to protect Tessa} just to add some tension, so their reunion isn't exactly a happy one.


@BlindJoe Thanks man, glad to hear that. 


@WhisperingWells Cool, this story is getting better and better.


@BlindJoe Maybe not getting stabbed, but we definitely have something planned I can assure that. 


So were you able to look up a bit of warhammer and see a bit of space marine 2 gameplay? 


If I’m being honest my favorite has to be the chainsword, what’s yours?