
Hey everyone, The "Utsukushii Kare Eternal movie" has been fantranslated in English by Kaya from Twitter. Kaya Subs can be accessed by clicking on this Twitter link ( https://twitter.com/DE4RKAZU/status/1689649486308798466) . A link to the Carrd is present there, so click it to access it. Search for their Carrd page directly if you don't have Twitter. Then simply click on "Utsukushii Kare Eternal" in the Carrd, and it will lead you to watch the movie on YouTube. It's not permitted to share the movie's direct YouTube link. 


Thank you so much for translating MBM it's my fav 1 Japanese bl drama and I was dying ( like Hira, hehehe) to read it but find nowhere years ago, so suddenly looking for again and seeing there's on wp I was freaking out! Thank you so much I really really really appreciate your time and work for translating this. I hope you also translate othere volumes in future ( please don't take too long) do it when you have extra time ⭐✨⭐✨ but please do it


@WhiteLotus166 OMO thank you soo much for responding. I'll wait 


@Innocent2164 Thank you sooo much for giving my work sooo much love. I'll definitely consider start doing the rest of the volumes as soon as possible ❤️❤️❤️❤️


thank you so much for translating mbm novel, i loved it and enjoyed it  hope you'll translate the other two volumes as well, when you have the time, cause i loved reading your comms & notes 


@carouselinmyhead  Of course, I'll consider doing the translation of other volumes (If no one picks them up or they won't get licensed). But before that I need some time for my studies. Btw thank u soooo much for appreciating my work ❤️❤️❤️


hi thank you so much for your translation im forever grateful for it i just wanted to ask if you were planning in translating the rest of the books again thanks a lot 


@WhiteLotus166 thank you so much for responding and lots of luck with your school work i will be waiting patiently for you to have the time and the motivation to keep on translating the rest of the books. Also it might be a good thing that the rest is not translated yet i have always wanted to learn japanese but never had the motivation but now i am very much ready and motivated to learn it just to be able to read utsukushii kare T-T


@kupkupsogan Thank you sooo much for giving so much love to my translation. I’m currently a little busy with my school works. but if everyone truly likes my translation & wants me to translate remaining volumes, and also no one else pick them up (I think it got licensed. Tho I’m not sure) , then I’ll definitely do it. but before that I need time & focus on my studies. please keep your eyes on my Wattpad account. I’ll let you all know the information regarding the translation of remaining books. ❤️❤️❤️


We are forever grateful for your translation ❤️❤️
          It's honestly the best one out there. 
          We hope to see the other parts translated as well by you 
          We can wait forever and ever but I hope you consider our (fans) request ⭐
          Looking forward to seeing more of your translated works
          May you stay happy & blessed 


@AnushkaJamal  of course I'll ❤️❤️❤️


@AnushkaJamal thank you so much for your reply  we will wait for the English license now. Please keep us updated  Happy New Year 


@AnushkaJamal Thank you sooo much for your warm words & I really appreciate all your love. ❤️ ❤️❤️ but I think "Utsukushii Kare" got English licensed, tho I'm still not sure about it. However, I'll definitely let you all know anything related "Utsukushii Kare". Again thank you sooo much for your understanding. Lots of love for you guys. Happy new year ❤️❤️❤️


Muchas gracias por traducir la novela!
          Se nota todo el esfuerzo y dedicación en ello, te tomas el tiempo para explicar cada cosa detalladamente y eso hace la lectura más ddisfrutable. De verdad, muchas gracias !


@Horadedormir Me alegra saber que estás disfrutando de esta novela.  Muchas gracias por leer mi traducción y dar tanto amor (❁´◡`❁)ノ♡❤️