Literally had someone tell me today that a whole bunch of the diseases that have swept the globe in the last few centuries passed without a vaccine. I wasn't sure how to respond until they mentioned the Black Plague when I could finally remind them that the Black Plague killed almost half of Europe.
I am fully vaxxed, I need to be because I work with a travelling group that does pony rides for little children at shows and events and such. If I passed any illness on to one of those children, especially Covid, because these children are all too young to be properly protected against it, I would never forgive myself. I don't think even Anti-vaxxers would be able to find no guilt in potentially killing a young child or ANY other person, because they passed on a disease they could have prevented.
No, the vaccine is not 100% effective, but it is far more effective than not being vaccinated at all.
So I cannot stress this enough; If you can get vaccinated, GET VACCINATED.
If you can't for medical or other SERIOUS reasons - that does not include "I read too many conspiracy theories online and think the vaccine will allow me to be mind-controlled by the government" - then don't feel guilty and please don't be too hard on yourself. It is the job of us - the people who are eligible and can get vaccinated - to do so to build up herd immunity and protect the few people who can't. When people like the person I met today refuse the vaccine, that's a few more lives they are putting on the line.
Stay safe, stay healthy. Look after yourselves. If you're anything like me then you need this reminder; make sure not to skip a meal today, maybe go have a snack now, rest your eyes from the screen, have a drink of water, maybe step outside for a moment for a breath of fresh air.
Love you all
- Raven