I didn't want to pop up again without something to show for it but this is the only day this will make sense.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and happy new year because I don't want to type that message. Also, an update on what's happening.
Simply put, nothing. When the new year starts I'll be putting a plan in action. All books I don't plan to finish or even start in some cases will be deleted due to them being "in the sieve". Aside from that, books I plan to finish will be separated a little better. For example, WSPR and Black Knights will be split to 2 volumes a book instead of 3 like Folding was so I can launch from Fall of Beacon to the trek across Anima in one book. I will be buying a Laptop to type on instead of my phone in the hopes I'll become more productive and I'll even spend more time at my club to keep distractions away.
Once more, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and I'm sorry I haven't uploaded. Again.
Love and Peace- Wolf