I have some really good ideas!! Btw your writing skills are amazing! So I was basically dreaming about this story because I'm obessed with it! So in my dream narutos pregnancy hormones got really crazy and he also accepted his reality because his babies were his first priority to make sure they are safe (btw can one of the babies be menma cuz he's so cute) so he had to make sure sasuke won't do anything to him so the babies are good. And these are cute things naruto said to sasuke so sasuke would be seduced. So naruto said" sasuke i feel like my body was made for you and your body was made to please me and mine was to please you" and sasuke loves naruto saying that. And naruto when he was in his pregnancy hormones he gets emotional AND compares his body to sasukes and tells sasuke" sasuke your such a man, your my man" and naruto also told sasuke is he wants sasuke to be the dad in his babies lives and he tells sasuke that he wants to have a peaceful family life with sasuke and he wants the kids to have a loving childhood because naruto didn't get one. Sasuke plan worked out and naruto can't go back to the village because he's pregnant with sasukes babies. And naruto gets really emotional and cuddles sasuke Cuz pregancy is hard. And also( you don't have to add this but i think it would be really interesting)( so basically naruto gets a bit pyscho from being around sasuke constantly , i feel like it would add good character development and show how being around a pyscopath can impact someone. Btw in my dream in the end naruto falls in love with sasuke and they take over the village together but still maintain to have a loving family. And naruto also tells sasuke that " sasuke if I belong to you and you belong to me sasuke, your dick is mine" something like that lol ..

this this are ideas for (NARUTO YOU ARE MINE) and also the scene were naruto is comparing his body to sasuke is he's turned on by sasukes body and sasukes body is way more muscular and mascline and narutos body is more feminine and he is turned on by how mascline sasukes body is. And he thinks about how lucky him and his kids are to have a dad and man's like that to protect naruto but then naruto realizes his thoughts and snaps out of it

Naruto coming to reality and accepting his fate for his children because he wants sasuke to be a good father and naruto loves his babies and want to make sure they are safe because sasuke told naruto that he would hit him and throw him in a previous chapter and doing that would harm the babies so rn naruto wants to please sasuke using his words and body