
Hello madudes,
          	Sorry I've been so inactive lately. I forgot my password and then also that of my email account (I barely use it) and so I was banking on the fact that I would remember AND I DID! Anyways, I'm back now, I didn't die just yet. 


Hello madudes,
          Sorry I've been so inactive lately. I forgot my password and then also that of my email account (I barely use it) and so I was banking on the fact that I would remember AND I DID! Anyways, I'm back now, I didn't die just yet. 


Hello! I know I'm not exactly blowing up on Wattpad XD (inner voice: yeah, you can't really do that if you don't write anything, me: yeah, lets just not mention that for a moment) but I just saw this video that I really want to share because it's very important to me and should be to everybody. Please share this if you have any social media because we need to do something AND:
          "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."
          - Galadriel
          THERE! I did it! I quoted something from LotR in a fitting situation! I was just thinking, it would be really cool if you could repost this video with that slogan. 
          Yeah, I know, I'm getting my hopes up. BUT STILL, to all those LotR fans out there, a hobbit changes the world with eight companions. we are literally billions. 


@White_Wolf_Felagund Hey! Sorry I'm only replying now, I just saw your message. I haven't been very active on Wattpad lately, sooo... yeah. 
            And yes, I'm a LotR fan. Not a hardcore one, but I think the story is pretty decent. And I'm a fantasy book fan in general, so I would consider myself a LotR fan too. I take it you also are one? May I ask, have you read both the books and watched the movies or only one or the other?


Hello. I'm glad that I managed to do a little good with this. And no, I had not seen that, but I checked and it does! Thanks for telling me. Are you also a LotR fan?


@White_Wolf_Felagund Hey! I just shared the video with my friends and family and wanted to say thanks for bringing this to my attention :) Also, did you notice that at 2:43 the ship is called Anduril?


Thanks for the follow! :) 


@GerithorDunedain Yay!  Always nice to find new people with similar interests.


Yes indeed! I’ve written 4 stories set in Middle Earth so far! 


@GerithorDunedain  No problem. I assumed you were a fellow Tolkienite?